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BALLOC(2)                     System Calls Manual                    BALLOC(2)

       balloc,  bfree,  rdbitmap, wrbitmap, rdbitmapfile, wrbitmapfile - allo‐
       cating, freeing, reading, writing bitmaps

       #include <u.h>
       #include <libc.h>
       #include <libg.h>

       Bitmap *balloc(Rectangle r, int ldepth)

       void   bfree(Bitmap *b)

       void   rdbitmap(Bitmap *b, int ymin, int ymax, uchar *data)

       void   wrbitmap(Bitmap *b, int ymin, int ymax, uchar *data)

       Bitmap *rdbitmapfile(int fd)

       void   wrbitmapfile(int fd, Bitmap *b)

       A new bitmap is allocated with balloc; it  will  have  the  extent  and
       ldepth  (log base 2 of the number of bits per pixel) given by its argu‐
       ments, and will be filled with zeros. The id field will have  been  set
       to  the  identifying  number  used by /dev/bitblt (see bit(3)), and the
       cache field will be zero.  Balloc returns 0 if the server has  run  out
       of  bitmap  resources.   Bfree frees the resources used by its argument

       The remaining functions deal with moving groups of pixel values between
       bitmaps  and user space or external files.  There is a fixed format for
       the exchange and storage of bitmap data (see bitmap(6)).

       Rdbitmap reads rows of pixels from bitmap b into data.  The  rows  read
       have  y=ymin,ymin+1,  ...  ymax-1.  Those rows must be within the range
       allowed by b.r.

       Wrbitmap replaces the specified rows of pixels in bitmap b with data.

       Rdbitmapfile creates a bitmap from data contained an external file (see
       bitmap(6)  for  the  file  format); fd is a file descriptor obtained by
       opening such a file for reading.  The returned bitmap is allocated  us‐
       ing balloc.

       Wrbitmapfile  writes  bitmap b onto file descriptor fd, which should be
       open for writing.  The format is as described for rdbitmapfile.

       Rdbitmapfile and wrbitmapfile do not close fd.


       graphics(2), bitblt(2), bit(3), bitmap(6)

       These functions return 0 on failure, usually due to  insufficient  mem‐

       May set errstr.

       Ldepth must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
