term% ls -F
term% cat index.txt
EVENT(2)                      System Calls Manual                     EVENT(2)

       event, einit, estart, etimer, eread, emouse, ekbd, ecanread, ecanmouse,
       ecankbd, ereshaped, getrect, menuhit, Event,  Mouse,  Menu  -  graphics

       #include  <u.h>
       #include  <libc.h>
       #include  <libg.h>

       void      einit(ulong keys)

       ulong     event(Event *e)

       Mouse     emouse(void)

       int       ekbd(void)

       int       ecanmouse(void)

       int       ecankbd(void)

       ulong     estart(ulong key, int fd, int n)

       ulong     etimer(ulong key, int n)

       ulong     eread(ulong keys, Event *e)

       int       ecanread(ulong keys)

       void      ereshaped(Rectangle r)

       Rectangle getrect(int but, Mouse *m)

       int       menuhit(int but, Mouse *m, Menu *menu)

                 Emouse = 1,
                 Ekeyboard = 2,

       /* Alef only */

       adt Menu
                 /* ... */
                 (int, Mouse) hit(*Menu, int but, chan(Mouse), Mouse);

       These  routines  provide an interface to multiple sources of input.  To
       use them, einit must be called.  If  the  argument  to  einit  has  the
       Emouse  and  Ekeyboard  bits set, the mouse and keyboard events will be
       enabled; in this case, binit (see graphics(2)) must have  already  been
       called.  The user must provide a function called ereshaped to be called
       whenever the window in which the process is running has been  reshaped;
       the  argument will be the Rectangle for the new window shape, including
       the border.

       As characters are typed on the keyboard, they are  read  by  the  event
       mechanism  and  put  in  a  queue.  Ekbd returns the next rune from the
       queue, blocking until the queue is non-empty.  The characters are  read
       in  raw mode (see cons(3)), so they are available as soon as a complete
       rune is typed.

       When the mouse moves or a mouse button is depressed or released, a  new
       mouse  event is queued by the event mechanism.  Emouse returns the next
       mouse event from the queue, blocking  until  the  queue  is  non-empty.
       Emouse returns a Mouse structure:

              struct Mouse
                    int   buttons;
                    Point xy;
                    ulong msec;

       Buttons&1  is  set  when  the left mouse button is depressed, buttons&2
       when the middle button is depressed, and buttons&4 when the right  but‐
       ton is depressed.  The current mouse position is always returned in xy.
       Msec is a time stamp in units of milliseconds.

       Ecankbd and ecanmouse return non-zero when there are keyboard or  mouse
       events available to be read.

       Estart  can be used to register additional file descriptors to scan for
       input.  It takes as arguments the file descriptor to register, the max‐
       imum  length  of  an  event message on that descriptor, and a key to be
       used in accessing the event.  The key must be a power of 2 and must not
       conflict  with  any previous keys.  If a zero key is given, one will be
       allocated and returned.  Ekeyboard and Emouse are the  mouse  and  key‐
       board event keys.

       Etimer starts a repeating timer with a period of n milliseconds; it re‐
       turns the timer event key, or zero if it fails.  Only one timer can  be
       started.   Extra  timer events are not queued and the timer channel has
       no associated data.

       Eread waits for the next event specified by the mask keys of event keys
       submitted to estart.  It fills in the appropriate field of the argument
       Event structure, which looks like:

              struct Event
                    int   kbdc;
                    Mouse mouse;
                    int   n;
                    uchar data[EMAXMSG];

       Data is an array which is large enough to hold a 9P message.  Eread re‐
       turns  the key for the event which was chosen.  For example, if a mouse
       event was read, Emouse will be returned.

       Event waits for the next event of any kind.  The return is the same  as
       for eread.

       As  described  in  graphics(2),  the  graphics  functions are buffered.
       Event, eread, emouse, and ekbd all cause a buffer flush unless there is
       an event of the appropriate type already queued.

       Ecanread  checks whether a call to eread(keys) would block, returning 0
       if it would, 1 if it would not.

       Getrect prompts the user to sweep a rectangle.   It  should  be  called
       with m holding the mouse event that triggered the getrect (or, if none,
       a Mouse with buttons set to 7).  It changes to the sweep cursor,  waits
       for  the  buttons  all to be released, and then waits for button number
       but to be depressed, marking the initial corner.  If another button  is
       depressed  instead, getrect returns a rectangle with zero for both cor‐
       ners, after waiting for all the buttons to be released.  Otherwise, ge‐
       trect  continually  draws  the  swept rectangle until the button is re‐
       leased again, and returns the swept  rectangle.   The  mouse  structure
       pointed to by m will contain the final mouse event.

       Menuhit  displays  a  menu and returns a selected menu item number.  It
       should be called with m holding the  mouse  event  that  triggered  the
       menuhit; it will call emouse to update it.  A Menu is a structure:

              struct Menu
                    char  **item;
                    char  *(*gen)(int);
                    int   lasthit;

       If item is nonzero, it should be a null-terminated array of the charac‐
       ter strings to be displayed as menu items.  Otherwise, gen should be  a
       function  that,  given an item number, returns the character string for
       that item, or zero if the number is past the end of  the  list.   Items
       are  numbered  starting  at zero.  Menuhit waits until but is released,
       and then returns the number of the selection, or -1 for  no  selection.
       The m argument is filled in with the final mouse event.

       Alef  has  none  of the event software, since the language encourages a
       different approach using processes to convert mouse and keyboard activ‐
       ity  into  messages.  In this vein, a function called hit, analogous to
       menuhit, exists as a part of the Menu adt; it takes as argument a  chan
       of type Mouse and a Mouse-valued argument reflecting the current state.
       It returns the selection and the new state of the mouse.


       8½(1), graphics(2), cons(3), bit(3)

       There should be an official Alef interface to the mouse and keyboard.
