term% ls -F
term% cat index.txt
USERS(6)                         Games Manual                         USERS(6)

       users - file server user list format

       The  permanent  file  servers each maintain a private list of users and
       groups, in /adm/users by convention.  Each line in  the  file  has  the


       where  num  is a decimal integer, name and leader are printable strings
       excluding the characters and and members is a comma-separated  list  of
       such  strings.   Such  a line defines a user and a group with the given
       name; the group has a group leader given by leader  and  group  members
       given  by the user names in members.  The leader field may be empty, in
       which case any group member is a group leader.  The members  field  may
       be empty.

       Lines beginning with are ignored.

       The  num  in a line is a number used internally by a file server; there
       should be no duplicate nums in the file.  A negative num is special:  a
       user  with  a  negative num cannot attach to the file server.  The file
       /adm/users itself is owned by user adm,  having  a  negative  num,  and
       write  protected  to others, so it can only be changed via console com‐

       intro(5), stat(5)
