term% ls -F
term% cat index.txt
SPITBOL(1)                  General Commands Manual                 SPITBOL(1)

       spitbol - Snobol language compiler

       spitbol [ options ] ifile ...

       Spitbol is an upward compatible dialect of SNOBOL4.

       All  names  used  in a program are normally mapped to UPPER CASE during
       compilation and execution.  For strict compatibility with SNOBOL4,  use
       the -f option or -CASE control statement.

       All  ifiles are read in order before the standard input.  Standard out‐
       put comes only from assignments to OUTPUT and from error messages.

       Compiler options:

       -f         don't fold lower case names to UPPER CASE

       -e         don't send error messages to the terminal

       -l         generate source listing

       -c         generate compilation statistics

       -x         generate execution statistics

       -a         like -lcx

       -p         long listing format; generates form feeds

       -z         use standard listing format

       -h         write spitbol header to standard output

       -n         suppress execution

       -mdd       max size (words) of created object (default 8192)

       -sdd       maximum size (words) of stack space (default 2048)

       -idd       size (words) of increment by which dynamic area is increased
                  (default 4096)

       -ddd       size  (words)  of  maximum  allocated  dynamic area (default

       -u string  executing program may retrieve string with HOST(0)

       -o ofile   write listing, statistics and dump to ofile  and  OUTPUT  to
                  standard output

       Note: dd can be followed by a k to indicate units of 1024.

       Spitbol has two input-output modes, line mode, where records are delim‐
       ited by new-line characters, and raw mode where a predetermined  number
       of  bytes is transferred.  Modes are specified in INPUT or OUTPUT func‐
       tion calls.  The maximum length of an input record is set by the -l  or
       -r argument.  The form of the INPUT/OUTPUT function call is

              INPUT/OUTPUT(.name,channel,file_name args)

       where name is the variable name to be input/output associated and chan‐
       nel is an integer or string that identifies the association to be  used
       in subsequent calls for EJECT, ENDFILE, INPUT, OUTPUT, REWIND, and SET.
       If the channel is omitted or the null string, the association  is  made
       to the system's standard input or output stream.  file_name args speci‐
       fies the source/destination of the input/output and any  IO  processing
       arguments.  The file_name can be either a path name to a file or a com‐
       mand string. Command strings are distinguished from  file  names  by  a
       leading  "!".  The character following the "!" is the delimiter used to
       separate the command string from any IO processing arguments. The  end‐
       ing  delimiter  may be omitted if there are no IO processing arguments.
       There must always be at least one space between the file_name and args,
       even if the file_name is null.

       Input/output arguments are:

       -a     Append output to existing file. If file doesn't exist then it is
              created.  If -a is not specified then file is created.

       -bdd   Set internal buffer size to dd characters.  This  value  is  the
              byte  count  used  on  all input/output transfers except for the
              last write to an output file (default 1024).

       -c     Like -r1

       -fdd   Use dd as file desciptor for IO.  spitbol assumes  that  dd  has
              been  opened by the shell. File names and -fdd arguments are mu‐
              tually exclusive.  File descriptors 0, 1, and 2 may be  accessed
              in this manner.

       -ldd   Line mode: maximum input record length is dd characters (default

       -rdd   Raw mode: input record length is dd characters.

       -w     On output, each record is directly written to the  file  without
              any  intermediate  buffering (default for terminals).  On input,
              each input operation uses exactly one read(2), and fails if read
              returns 0.

       More  than one type of transfer may be associated with a channel.  This
       is accomplished by calling INPUT/OUTPUT after the initial call with the
       name,  channel,  and  file arguments. The file name or -f argument must
       not be specified on calls subsequent to the first.

       Standard functions: SET(channel,integer,integer) The arguments are same
       as  those  to the lseek(2), escept that the first argument identifies a
       spitbol channel instead of a file descriptor.

              causes the value of command-string to be handed to the Shell  to
              be executed after spitbol terminates.

              If  n  is greater than 0, a load module will be written in a.out
              before termination.  Executing this load module will restore the
              state of the spitbol system to what it was when EXIT was called,
              except that any files other than the standard input, output, and
              error  will  have  been closed.  To the SNOBOL4 program, it will
              appear as if EXIT had returned a null string.  If n  is  exactly
              1,  the generated load module will identify the version of spit‐
              bol that created it in a message when it begins execution.  If n
              is greater than 1, it will resume quietly.

       HOST() returns the host string read from /usr/lib/spithost.

              returns  the  string specified with the -u option on the command
              line.  If -u was not specified the null string is returned.

       HOST(1,"command string")
              executes the command string and continues.

              returns argument number n from the command line.  It fails if  n
              is out of range or not an integer.

              returns  the  index  of the first command line argument that was
              not examined by spitbol.

              returns the value of the environment variable var.  If the value
              is  too  long for an internal buffer (presently 512 bytes) it is
              quietly truncated.

       A file is not actually opened until the first attempt to  read,  write,
       SET, or REWIND it.

       Folding  of names to UPPER CASE can be controlled during compilation by
       the -CASE control statement and during execution by the &CASE  keyword.
       A  value  of  0  prevents folding to UPPER CASE and a value of 1 forces
       folding to UPPER CASE.

       Integers are represented by 32-bit quantities.  Real numbers are imple‐
       mented in single precision.

       Setting  &STLIMIT = -1 inhibits statement limit checking and provides a
       way to execute arbitrarily many statements.

       The name TERMINAL is available with default associations for input  and
       output to the terminal.

       If  the  first  line  of the first input file begins with #!  then that
       line is ignored.  This meshes with the way that  exec(2)  treats  files
       beginning with #!.

       Setting  &PROFILE  = 1 causes spitbol to accumulate profile information
       during program execution and print this information after  the  program

       /usr/lib/vaxspitv35.err  - Error text.
       /usr/lib/spithost - Host computer and operating system identifier.

       Macro SPITBOL Program Reference Manual by R. B. K. Dewar, A. P. McCann,
       R. E. Goldberg, and Steven G. Duff
       The SNOBOL4 Programming Language, Second Edition by R. E. Griswold,  J.
       F. Poage and I. P. Polonsky
       sno(1), snocone(1)
