term% ls -F
term% cat index.txt
SNAKE(6)                         Games Manual                         SNAKE(6)

       snake, worm - display chase games



       Snake must be played on a HP2621 terminal or equivalent.  The object of
       the game is to make as much money as possible without getting eaten  by
       the snake.

       You are represented on the screen by an I.  The snake is 6 squares long
       and is represented by S's.  The money is $, and an  exit  is  #.   Your
       score is posted in the upper left hand corner.

       You  can  move around using h, j, k, and l keys for left, up, down, and
       right.  To earn money, move to the same square the money is on.  A  new
       $  will  appear  when you earn the current one.  As you get richer, the
       snake gets hungrier.  To leave the game, move to the exit (#).  a

       Worm also requires a 2621-compatible terminal.  Once started,  with  h,
       j,  k, l keys as for snake, the worm moves forward unless directed oth‐
       erwise.  The object is to collect points displayed on the screen  with‐
       out  running  into the wall or any part of the worm itself.  The points
       are added to the worms length.
