DICT(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual DICT(7) NAME dict - look up words in English dictionaries SYNOPSIS dict [ -p ] [ dictionary [ word ] ] DESCRIPTION Dict looks up words in the specified dictionary. Words are read, one per line from the standard input, and entries are written on the stan‐ dard output. Characters other than letters, digits, and space are ig‐ nored. If just one word is to be looked up, it may be given as an ar‐ gument. Dictionary is one of webster Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, Seventh Edition, full text (default) web7 same, words only etym[ology] inverted index to `webster' by root words web2 Merriam-Webster New International Dictionary, Second Edition, unabridged, words only oxford The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Contemporary Eng‐ lish, full text spell word list of spell(1) acro[nym] 17000 AT&T acronyms Option -p finds all entries of which the specified `word' is a prefix. This option is ignored for full-text dictionaries. The dictionaries for webster, oxford, web7 and etymology are copy‐ righted and should not be copied without permission. FILES /usr1/dict/w7full/* /usr1/dict/w7etym /usr1/dict/web2 /usr1/dict/oaldce/* /usr/dict/words spell or web7, depending on machine /usr1/dict/acro SEE ALSO look(1) BUGS In some of the dictionaries, diacriticals are done right - by over‐ strikes, with which few screen terminals can cope. bowell DICT(7)