term% ls -F
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MS(7)                  Miscellaneous Information Manual                  MS(7)

       ms - macros for formatting manuscripts

       nroff -ms [ options ] file ...
       troff -ms [ options ] file ...

       This  package  of  nroff  and troff macro definitions provides a canned
       formatting facility for technical papers in various formats.  When pro‐
       ducing 2-column output on a terminal, filter the output through col(1).

       The  macro  requests  are defined below.  Many nroff and troff requests
       are unsafe in conjunction with this package, but these requests may  be
       used with impunity after the first .PP:

              .bp   begin new page
              .br   break output line here
              .sp n insert n spacing lines
              .ls n (line spacing) n=1 single, n=2 double space
              .na   no alignment of right margin

       Output of the eqn, neqn, tbl, and refer(1) preprocessors for equations,
       tables and references is acceptable as input.

       Diacritical marks may be applied to letters, as in these examples:

              \*`e \*`a \*'e \*^e \*^o \*:u \*~n \*,c \*vc
              e    a    e    e    o    u    n    c    c


       eqn(1), troff(1), refer(1), tbl(1)

                        Request   Initial Cause Explanation
                                  Value   Break
                        .1C       yes     yes   One  column  format  on  a new
                        page.   .2C       no      yes   Two   column   format.
                        .AB       no      yes   Begin                abstract.
                        .AE       -       yes   End                  abstract.
                        .AI       no      yes   Author's  institution follows.
                        Suppressed in TM.  .AT       no      yes   Print  `At‐
                        tached'   and   turn   off   line   filling.    .AU  x
                        y   no      yes   Author's name follows.  x  is  loca‐
                        tion  and  y is extension, ignored except in TM.  .B x
                        y    no      no    Print x in boldface and  append  y;
                        if no argument switch to boldface.
.B1       no      yes   Begin    text    to    be    enclosed    in   a   box.
                        .B2       no      yes   End        boxed         text.
                        .BT       date    no    Bottom   title,  automatically
                        invoked at foot  of  page.   May  be  redefined.   .BX
                        x     no      no    Print    x    in   a   box.    .CS
                        x...  -       yes   Cover sheet  info  if  TM  format,
                        suppressed  otherwise.   Arguments  are number of text
                        pages, other pages, total pages, figures, tables, ref‐
                        erences.   .CT       no      yes   Print  `Copies  to'
                        and     turn     off      line      filling.       .DA
                        x     nroff   no    `Date  line'  at bottom of page is
                        x.   Default  is  today.   .DE       -       yes   End
                        displayed      text.       Implies      .KE.       .DS
                        x     no      yes   Start of displayed text, to appear
                        verbatim  line-by-line.  x=I for indented display (de‐
                        fault), x=L for left-justified on the  page,  x=C  for
                        centered,  x=B (block) for centered with straight left
                        margin.  Implies  .KS.   .EG       no      -     Print
                        document  in  BTL format for `Engineer's Notes.'  Must
                        be first.  .EN       -       yes   Space  after  equa‐
                        tion    produced    by    eqn    or   neqn.    .EQ   x
                        y   -       yes   Display equation.   Equation  number
                        is  y.   Optional  argument  x=I,  L,  C  as  in  .DS.
                        .FE       -       yes   End                  footnote.
                        .FP       -       no    Set  font positions for a fam‐
                        ily,          e.g.,           ".FP           palatino"
                        .FS       no      no    Start footnote.  The note will
                        be   moved   to    the    bottom    of    the    page.
                        .HO       -       no    `Bell  Laboratories,  Holmdel,
                        New Jersey 07733'.  .I x  y    no      no    Italicize
                        x  and  append  y;  if  no  argument switch to Italic.
                        .IH       no      no    `Bell            Laboratories,
                        Naperville,               Illinois              60540'
                        .IM       no      no    Print document in  BTL  format
                        for  an  internal  memorandum.   Must be first.  .IP x
                        y   no      yes   Start indented paragraph, with hang‐
                        ing   tag  x.   Indentation  is  y  ens  (default  5).
                        .KE       -       yes   End keep.  Put  kept  text  on
                        next      page      if      not      enough      room.
                        .KF       no      yes   Start floating keep.   If  the
                        kept  text must be moved to the next page, float later
                        text back to this page.  .KS       no      yes   Start
                        keeping  following text.  .LG       no      no    Make
                        letters larger.   .LP       yes     yes   Start  left-
                        blocked  paragraph.   .LT       no      yes   Start  a
                        letter   with   today's   date;    address    follows.
                        .MF       -       -     Print  document  in BTL format
                        for   `Memorandum   for   File.'    Must   be   first.
                        .MH       -       no    `Bell   Laboratories,   Murray
                        Hill,           New           Jersey           07974'.
                        .MR       -       -     Print  document  in BTL format
                        for `Memorandum for  Record.'   Must  be  first.   .ND
                        date  troff   no    Use date supplied (if any) only in
                        special BTL format positions; omit from  page  footer.
                        .NH n     -       yes   Same as .SH, with section num‐
                        ber supplied automatically.  Numbers  are  multilevel,
                        like  1.2.3,  where  n tells what level is wanted (de‐
                        fault  is  1).   .NL       yes     no    Make  letters
                        normal size.  .OK       -       yes   `Other keywords'
                        for        TM        cover        sheet        follow.
                        .PP       no      yes   Begin  paragraph.   First line
                        indented.  .PT       pg #    -     Page  title,  auto‐
                        matically  invoked  at top of page.  May be redefined.
                        .PY       -       no    `Bell  Laboratories,   Piscat‐
                        away,  New  Jersey  08854' .QE       -       yes   End
                        quoted material.  .QP       -       yes   Begin single
                        quoted     paragraph     (indent     both    margins).
                        .QS       -       yes   Begin quoted material  (indent
                        both   margins).   .R        yes     no    Roman  text
                        follows.  .RE       -       yes   End relative  indent
                        level.   .RP       no      -     Cover sheet and first
                        page for released paper.  Must precede other requests.
                        .RS       -       yes   Start level of relative inden‐
                        tation from which subsequent indentation is  measured.
                        .SG  x      no      yes   Insert  signature(s)  of au‐
                        thor(s), ignored except in TM.   x  is  the  reference
                        line     (initials     of    author    and    typist).
                        .SH       -       yes   Section head follows, font au‐
                        tomatically  bold.   .SM       no      no    Make let‐
                        ters smaller.   .TA  x...  5...    no    Set  tabs  in
                        ens.       Default      is     5     10     15     ...
                        .TE       -       yes   End                     table.
                        .TH       -       yes   End  heading section of table.
                        .TL       no      yes   Title      follows.        .TM
                        x...  no      -     Print  document  in  BTL technical
                        memorandum format.  Arguments are TM  number,  (quoted
                        list  of)  case number(s), and file number.  Must pre‐
                        cede other requests.  .TR x     -       -     Print in
                        BTL technical report format; report number is x.  Must
                        be first.  .TS x     -       yes   Begin table;  if  x
                        is  H  table  heading  is  repeated on new pages.  .UL
                        x     -       no    Underline   argument   (even    in
                        troff).   .UX       -       no    `UNIX';  first  time
                        used, add footnote `UNIX is a trademark of Bell  Labo‐
                        ratories.'    .WH       -       no    `Bell  Laborato‐
                        ries,      Whippany,      New      Jersey      07981'.
                        .[        -       no    Begin  reference; see refer(1)
                        .]        -       no    End reference
