term% ls -F
term% cat index.txt
BUTTON(9.2)                                                        BUTTON(9.2)

       button123,  mouse,  cursallow,  cursinhibit,  cursset,  cursswitch, ge‐
       trect123 - mouse control

       #include <jerq.h>

       extern struct Mouse {
           Point xy;
           short buttons;
       } mouse;

       int button(n) int n;
       int button1(), button2(), button3();
       int button12(), button23(), button123();

       void cursinhibit();
       void cursallow();

       void cursset(p); Point p;

       Texture *cursswitch(t); Texture *t;

       Rectangle getrect(n) int n;
       Rectangle getrect1(), getrect2(), getrect3();
       Rectangle getrect12(), getrect23(), getrect123();

       For processes that request the  mouse  (see  request(9.2)),  the  mouse
       state  is  updated  asynchronously  in the per-process structure mouse.
       The coordinates of the mouse are held in mouse.xy, and the state of the
       buttons  in  mouse.buttons.  Each process's mouse structure is indepen‐
       dent of the others, so that (except for cursset) actions such as chang‐
       ing the tracking cursor do not affect other process's use of the mouse.
       Mouse is not updated if the process does not `own' the mouse;  see  re‐

       The  macro  button and its counterparts return the state of the associ‐
       ated mouse button: non-zero if the button is  depressed,  0  otherwise.
       The  buttons  are numbered 1 to 3 from left to right.  Button12 and the
       other multi-button functions return the OR of their states: true if ei‐
       ther button 1 or button 2 is depressed (as opposed to button 1 and but‐
       ton 2).

       Cursinhibit turns off interrupt-time cursor tracking  (the  drawing  of
       the  cursor  on  the  screen), although the mouse coordinates are still
       kept current and available.  Cursallow  enables  interrupt-time  cursor
       tracking.   Cursallow  and cursinhibit stack: to enable cursor tracking
       after two calls to cursinhibit, two calls to cursallow are required.

       Cursset moves the mouse cursor to the Point p.

       Cursswitch changes the mouse cursor (a 16×16 pixel image) to that spec‐
       ified  by  the Texture *t.  If the argument is (Texture *)0, the cursor
       is restored to the default  arrow.   Cursswitch  returns  the  previous
       value of the cursor: the argument of the previous call to cursswitch.

       Getrect prompts the user with a box cursor and waits for a rectangle to
       be swept out named button, identified as with  the  button  primitives.
       It  returns  the  screen  coordinates of the box swept.  The box may be
       partly or wholly outside the process's layer.
