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COS(9.3)                                                              COS(9.3)

       cos, sin, atan2, sqrt, norm - integer math functions

       int cos(d) int d;

       int sin(d) int d;

       int atan2(x, y) int x, y;

       int norm(x, y, z) int x, y, z;

       int sqrt(x) long x;

       Cos  and  Sin return scaled integer approximations to the trigonometric
       functions.  The argument values are in degrees.  The return values  are
       scaled  so that cos(0)=1024.  Therefore, to calculate, for example, the
       mathematical expression x=x0*cos(d), the multiplication must be scaled:

              x=muldiv(x0, cos(d), 1024).

       Atan2 returns the approximate arc-tangent of y/x.  The return value  is
       in  integral  degrees.   The approximation is poor; the error may be as
       large as two degrees.

       Sqrt returns the 16-bit signed integer closest to the  square  root  of
       its 32-bit signed argument.

       Norm returns the Pythagorean length of the three-vector (x, y, z).

       Atan2(0, 0)  and sqrt(0) return 0.  Norm does not protect against over‐
