term% ls -F
term% pwd
term% cat index.txt
ICON(9.1)                                                            ICON(9.1)

       icon - icon editor


       Icon  is  a  pixel-level editor for textures and small bitmaps.  Icon's
       layer has in the lower right a magnified grid, where each square repre‐
       sents  a  pixel, and in the upper left the image in real size.  Editing
       is done on the magnified grid.  Pixels can be turned black by  pressing
       the  left  mouse button, and can be turned white by pressing the middle
       button.  Many of the command icons require a  rectangle  to  be  swept;
       this  is done either by the middle button (which supplies a fixed 16×16
       rectangle) or by the right button (for rectangles of any size).

       arrow     Move region (sweep rectangle and click at destination).

       overlapping regions
                 Copy region (sweep rectangle and click at destination).

       cross     Invert region (sweep rectangle).

       eraser    Erase region (sweep rectangle).

       horizontal (vertical) folded arrow
                 Reflect region horizontally (vertically) (sweep rectangle).

       deasil (withershins) arrow
                 Rotate region deasil (withershins) (sweep rectangle).

       horizontal (vertical) sheared lines
                 Shear a region horizontally (vertically) (sweep rectangle and
                 point at destination of nearest corner of rectangle).

       scaled square
                 Scale a region (sweep rectangle and sweep destination rectan‐

       tweed pattern
                 Texture a region (sweep source rectangle and a (bigger)  des‐
                 tination rectangle to be tiled with copies of the source).

       glasses   Read file (type file name and position the icon by clicking).
                 The subdirectories of /usr/jerq/icon/ are searched  automati‐
                 cally after the current directory.

       grid      Switch on or off the background grids.

       extend region
                 Change the size of the drawing area.

       pen       Write  file  (sweep  rectangle and type file name).  See bit‐
                 file(9.5) for the format.

       overlapping rectangles
                 Bitblt region (driven by submenus on the right button).

       mouse     Pick up a 16×16 rectangle and  make  it  the  current  cursor
                 (click a button to pick up a 16×16 region, and click again to
                 revert to normal).

       help      Display help information (click a button to  revert  to  nor‐

       band-aid  Undo last drawing operation.

       /usr/jerq/mbin/icon.m — terminal program

