term% ls -F
term% cat index.txt
PAINT(9.1)                                                          PAINT(9.1)

       paint - draw pictures in a layer


       Paint is a more elaborate relation of twid(9.6).

       Button  3  gets  a  menu.   Certain menu items contain arrows, which if
       touched call submenus.  Moving off the right of a submenu causes it  to
       disappear.   Pressing button 1 while holding button 3 gets a short help
       message for the menu item.  The top-level menu contains:

       Style      →    Different kinds of brushstrokes
       Operation  →    Ways of putting paint on canvas
       Texture    →    Things to do to the texture pattern
       Brush      →    Things to do to the paintbrush
       Canvas     →    Things to do to the whole picture
       State      →    Change things saved in .paintstate
       Fill            Fill an area of the picture
       Green           Erase the entire picture
       Mask            Display mask instead of image; `*' means mask
       Exit            Leave the paint program

       The Style submenu adjusts `brushstrokes':

       Paint           Multiple brushspots while holding button 1 or 2
       Circles         Rubberband circles; press at center and release at circumference
       Lines           Rubberband brush lines
       Curves          Continuous strokes while holding button 1 or 2
       Line style →    Solid, dotted, dashed, etc. lines

       Entries in the Line Style sub-submenu are strings  of  `A's,  `B's  and
       `.'s  that  describe dotted and dashed lines.  `A' stands for the brush
       on the button pushed, `B' stands for the brush on the other button; `.'
       for no brush at all.  The string is cycled through at successive points
       when drawing Lines, Curves, or Circles.  Thus `A' means a  solid  line,
       `A...' means a 1 in 4 dotted line, and `AAAA....' means 4-point dashes.

       The  Operation  submenu  assigns  a pair of operations, one for each of
       buttons 1 and 2, to be performed as the brush is laid down.   A  hidden
       `mask' plane describes the shape that has been painted; black pixels in
       the mask are inside, green outside.  Likewise, the brush consists of  a
       pair  of rectangular image and mask planes.  There are 11 effective op‐
       erations to combine the part of the brush inside its mask with the part
       of  the picture it sits on (see the Porter/Duff paper for details); se‐
       lected pairs can be assigned to the buttons:

       Above/Erase     Button 1 paints on top, Button 2 erases
       Below/Erase     Button 1 paints behind, Button 2 erases
       Above/Below     Button 1 paints on top, Button 2 behind
       Inside/Erase    Button 1 paints inside, Button 2 erases
       Brush/Clear     Special effects A, CLEAR
       AoutB/AinB      Special effects
       BinA/BatopA     Special effects
       Xor/Above       Special effects

       Above paints on top of the picture.  This is the operation performed by
       `normal' paint programs.

       Below  paints underneath; it will show through only in places that were
       not previously covered.

       Inside paints on top, but only inside the already-painted part.

       The other 7 operations are best described as  `special  effects'.   Try
       them out to see what they do, or look at the Porter/Duff paper.

       Texture  facilities  paint  with  a  repeating 16×16 pattern instead of
       copies of a brush.  The Texture menu contains:

       Texture         Turn texturing on or off; `*' means on
       Make            Pick a texture from the picture
       Negate          Reverse the texture's green and black
       Save            Name a texture and copy it into a file
       Library    →    List and and retrieve textures in library
       Get             Type a name and get a texture from a file

       Make gives a 16×16 square cursor with which to pick a texture.

       The Brush submenu contains Make, Negate, Save, Library, and Get,  which
       do for brushes what the same items do for textures.

       Make allows you to sweep out a region to use as a brush.

       The  Canvas  submenu  also  contains Negate, Save, Library, and Get, in
       this case pertaining to entire pictures.

       Library pictures are saved in a file containing the  image  plane  then
       the mask plane in bitfile(9.5) format.

       The  file .paintstate in the current directory remembers across invoca‐
       tions of paint the names of the current brush, texture, and  libraries.
       The  State  submenu  displays  the  library  names at the bottom of the
       layer, where they can be edited:

       Brushes         Name the brush directory
       Pictures        Name the picture directory
       Textures        Name the texture directory

       The Fill menu item gives an arrowhead cursor.  If you touch down  at  a
       point  not  painted,  the  rookwise-connected region containing it will
       fill with black.  On completion, the black will be replaced by the cur‐
       rent texture.  While the region is filling, any button click aborts the

       The current selections from the Brush, Library, Style, Operation,  Tex‐
       ture,  and Line Style menus are marked with a `*', and are displayed in
       the information box at the bottom of the layer.

       /usr/jerq/paint/brush  the default brush library
       /usr/jerq/paint/tex    the default texture library
       .paintstate            state of terminated program

       can(1), bitfile(9.5), twid(9.6)
       Thomas Porter and Tom Duff, `Compositing Digital Images,' Siggraph  '84

       The menu entries should be in lower case.
