term% ls -F
term% cat index.txt
PROOF(9.1)                                                          PROOF(9.1)

       proof - troff output interpreter for jerq

       proof [ -ffonts ] [ file ]

       Proof  reads  troff(1)  intermediate language output from file and dis‐
       plays a simulation of the resulting pages on the screen.   If  no  file
       name  is given and the standard input is the terminal, proof terminates
       immediately leaving a `proof layer', otherwise it  reads  the  standard
       input.  By invoking proof in a proof layer you can avoid download time.

       Fonts  are  loaded  as  required.  The default font is used for unknown
       fonts.  The font option can be used to preload fonts.  Use the names of
       the  fonts  relative  to /usr/jerq/font separated by commas.  The most-
       used fonts are `-fR.10,I.10,S.10'.

       After a layer's worth of text is displayed, proof pauses for a command.
       Commands  may  come  from the host, the keyboard, or the button 3 menu.
       The typed versions of commands are:

              Go on to next portion of text.  (Button 3 equivalent: `more'.)

       q      Quit, leaving a proof layer.

       x      Exit and restart the regular terminal program.   (Equivalent  to
              `q' followed by jterm(9.1).)

       pn     Print page n.  An out-of-bounds page number means the end nearer
              to that number; a missing number means page 0; a  signed  number
              means an offset to the current page.

       Button  1  gets a scroll box, which represents a full page of text.  An
       interior rectangle shows what part of the page is now visible.  The in‐
       terior rectangle moves with the mouse, causing the layer to scroll both
       vertically and horizontally.  Button 2 gets a speedometer.  The bar  of
       the  speedometer  moves with the mouse to control the rate at which new
       information is displayed.

       /usr/jerq/font/*         fonts
       /usr/jerq/font/.missing  list of referenced but unconverted fonts

       d202(1), font(7)
       `A Typesetter-independent Troff,' Brian W. Kernighan

       There is a maximum number of fonts (currently 50) that can be loaded at
       Windowing  can  get  confused  if  the troff ouput is not approximately
       sorted in ascending y-order.
       A proof layer imitates term 33(9.1), not mux(9.1).
