term% ls -F
term% cat index.txt
REQUEST(9.2)                                                      REQUEST(9.2)

       request,  own,  wait,  alarm,  sleep,  nap, kbdchar, rcvchar, realtime,
       sendchar, sendnchars, kill, exit - jerq I/O requests

       #include <jerq.h>

       void request(r) int r;

       int own(r) int r;

       int wait(r) int r;

       void alarm(t) unsigned t;

       void sleep(t) unsigned t;

       void nap(t) unsigned t;

       void realtime();

       int kbdchar();

       int rcvchar();

       void sendchar(c) int c;

       void sendnchars(n, p) int n; char *cp;

       void kill(s) int s;

       void exit();

       Request announces a program's intent to use I/O devices and  resources,
       and  is usually called once early in a program.  The bit vector r indi‐
       cates which resources are to be used by OR'ing together one or more  of
       the  elements KBD (keyboard), MOUSE, RCV (characters received by termi‐
       nal from Unix), SEND (characters sent from terminal to Unix) and ALARM.
       For example, request(MOUSE|KBD) indicates that the process wants to use
       the mouse and keyboard.  If the keyboard is not  requested,  characters
       typed  will  be sent to the standard input of the Unix process.  If the
       mouse is not requested, mouse events in the process's layer will be in‐
       terpreted  by  the  system rather than passed to the process.  SEND and
       CPU (see wait below) are always implicitly requested.   Request  sleeps
       for one clock tick to synchronize mouse control with the kernel.

       Own  returns  a  bit vector of which I/O resources have data available.
       For example, own()&KBD indicates whether a character is available to be
       read by kbdchar() (see below), own()&MOUSE tells if the process's mouse
       structure (see  button(9.2))  is  current,  and  own()&ALARM  indicates
       whether the alarm timer has fired.

       Wait's  argument  r is a bit vector composed as for request.  Wait sus‐
       pends the process, enabling others, until at least one of the requested
       resources  is  available.   The return value is a bit vector indicating
       which of the requested resources are available — the same  as  own()&r.
       For  example, if a process wants to read from the keyboard or the host,
       the following fragment illustrates how to use request and wait:


       Processes wishing to give up the processor to enable other processes to
       run may call wait(CPU); it will return as soon as all other active pro‐
       cesses have had a chance to run.  CPU is a fake resource which  is  al‐
       ways  requested.  The SEND pseudo-resource is unused; wait(SEND) always

       Alarm starts a timer which will ``fire'' t ticks (60ths of a second) in
       the future.  A pseudo-resource ALARM can be used to check the status of
       the timer with own or wait.   Calling  alarm  implicitly  requests  the
       ALARM pseudo-resource.

       Nap  busy loops for t ticks of the 60Hz internal clock.  To avoid beat‐
       ing with the display, programs drawing rapidly changing  scenes  should
       nap  for two ticks between updates, to synchronize the display and mem‐
       ory.  Nap busy loops until the time is up; sleep  is  identical  except
       that it gives up the processor for the interval.  Except when unwilling
       to give up the mouse, a program should call sleep in preference to nap.
       Sleep does not interfere with alarm, and vice versa.

       Realtime returns the number of 60Hz clock ticks since mux started.

       Kbdchar  returns  the next keyboard character typed to the process.  If
       no characters have been typed, or KBD has not been  requested,  kbdchar
       returns -1.

       Rcvchar  returns  the  next character received from the host, typically
       written on the standard output of a Unix  process.   If  there  are  no
       characters  available,  or  RCV has not been requested, rcvchar returns

       Sendchar sends a single byte to the host, which will normally  be  read
       on  the  standard  input  of the Unix process.  Sendnchars sends to the
       host n characters pointed to by p.  Sent by either routine, the charac‐
       ters  are  passed  to the Unix teletype input routine, and will be pro‐
       cessed as though they were typed on the keyboard by a user.

       Kill sends the Unix process associated with the  terminal  process  the
       Unix signal (signal(2)) s, typically SIGINT=2.

       Exit  terminates  the process.  Unlike on Unix, exit does not return an
       exit status to a parent.  Calling exit replaces the running process  by
       the default terminal program.  Any associated Unix process must arrange
       for its own demise — exit is a purely local function.  When  a  process
       calls  exit,  all  local resources: keyboard, mouse, storage, etc., are
       deallocated automatically.
